What we are tempted by promises physical, esthetical, and intellectual fulfillment, but ultimately disappoints.
When I first got my Macbook laptop computer 5 year ago, I saved up a whole year for it. I read every review and even went to the Apple Store to test it out. After lusting after it for over a year, I finally pulled the trigger on Black Friday, and it became mine. It promised me that I will be far more productive (physically saving me time), esthetically pleasing (svelte and shiny), and intellectually challenging (I can learn new computer skills on it).
Now that it’s 5 years old, I want a new one.
But even if I did, I will want something else soon after.
Eve was tempted in the same way: “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate…” Genesis 3:6
The fruit promised to fulfill all three aspects of her being:
1. Physical – “good for food”
2. Esthetical – “a delight to the eyes“
3. Intellectual – “to make one wise”
Are these bad? Is food bad? Is beautiful art bad? Is studying for math bad? No. But Eve wanted them more than God. God forbade the fruit. But the fruit promised all these good things she desired. And she succumbed to the temptation because she preferred them to God.
Do you desire sirloin steak? Good! But desire God more.
Do you get thrilled at a music concert? Good! But get thrilled by God more.
Do you get absorbed by good books? Good! But get absorbed by His word more.
Pray: God, I want you to be the highest desire I have. Let me see and taste that you are good!