Ecclesiastes 7:14In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider: God has made the one as well as the other, so that man may not find out anything that will be after him.
Obviously this day for many of us in this country, reveals just how prosperous we are in the enjoyment of gifts exchanged on Christmas.  It is a blessing from God for all people to enjoy their prosperous days, but God has brought a balance for us not to depend on them…
When Solomon tells us to consider the day of adversity that God “has also made”, it proves to us that we shouldn’t live naively expecting prosperity to be the anchor of our life.  Adversity does not discriminate because it comes from God.  No matter how much money we have, the day of adversity is leading us to consider what is our anchor? (Hebrews 6:19)
Security, stability, contentment, or whatever we want to label it, cannot come from something we create.  To seek prosperity for the sake of security, is to negate God’s sovereignty to bring adversity into our lives, and forget it was His grace that has brought us prosperity as well. (Deuteronomy 8:18)
So Solomon reasons with us to make sure that we live by faith in God.  Because the only thing that is certain not to change is Jesus.  So though a day like Christmas for most of us reveals just how prosperous we are, without Christ as our true anchor, we could think Christmas is about enjoying our prosperity…
Of course if you have been so blessed to enjoy prosperity, enjoy it, the Bible says so!  But be reminded that prosperity doesn’t negate adversity.  Because since Christ is sovereign over these things, He reminds us to not put our hope and joy in a “temporary condition”, but rather celebrate Who He is regardless of our position this day.  Be blessed and enjoy our Mighty Savior and His graciousness!
In His Love, Ld-Merry Christmas