I am 48 years old and I am feeling my age. And I am doing everything I can to combat getting old. I work out at least 3 times a week. I am running 10+ miles a week. I strive to keep a healthy weight (I’m the lightest I’ve ever been). I watch what I eat and how much I eat. I even monitor my sleep to make sure I’m getting enough sleep at night.
These are physical disciplines to keep my body healthy for God’s service and my family. I’m sure many of you are in similar regiments to keep your body healthy. But what about for our spiritual health? What are we doing to keep our spiritual health?
“Rather train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the preent life and also for the life the come.” 1 Tim 3:8. 
Training involves doing as well as avoiding. I stay away from certain kinds of food or activities to keep my body healthy. I engage in running or weight lifting to do the same. It is the same when it comes to spiritual health. We must engage in certain type of activities as well as staying away from certain others. And we must exercise moderation. I enjoy ice cream every now and then but not for every meal!
What are you engaging in everyday? I suggest reading the Bible and praying.
what are you engaging in every week? I suggest public worship and small group.
What are you avoiding? I suggest avoiding pornography, drugs, alcohol for some, even certain types of people
What are you doing in moderation? Video games, movies, social media, online shopping, etc.
Watch your spiritual health more than your physical health. Your physical health will eventually fail you. Your spiritual health won’t.