John 20:24-25Now Thomas, one of the Twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. 25 So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe.
Have you thought about people in your life who don’t believe in Jesus, or do believe, yet have “lost their way”, what is causing their unbelief?  We know as Christians the “diagnosis” of having a hard heart is the answer.  But in terms of trying to minister and encourage others, knowing the root of someone’s unbelief can go a long way to helping them believe (again).
When Jesus resurrected and revealed Himself, in doing so, most of the people who He wanted to encourage were estastic that He did!  Yet Thomas, who didn’t see Jesus earlier as the other disciples had, didn’t want to believe the report.  Not only did he not believe it, he was adamant that he would never believe!
Maybe you know someone like Thomas, who not only doesn’t believe the report of Christians, but claims they never will.  However Thomas is much like we were and still are at times.  Implicit in Thomas being adamant about his unbelief was disappointment.  The disappointment that Jesus died and “left them”, and not understanding Jesus’ references of His death, in His time with them.  So Thomas remained stuck in disappointment and unbelief, because he couldn’t hold on long enough for Jesus to prove Himself faithful…
If you have ever been misunderstood, that is the only way we can relate to Jesus in this instance.  That our heart and actions seem right by God, but because of people’s lack of insight or knowledge of our context, they are disappointed in who we are.  Thomas didn’t allow Jesus to prove Himself faithful, because “his faith” was limited to what he understood…(Hebrew 11:3)
To avoid the kind of heart Thomas had as we walk with Jesus, our faith has to be in what God says and Who He is.  Which leaves us at times not understanding our current situation, or at least not to the extent of God working His plan out in the situation.  The irony of the situation with Thomas, was that Jesus was faithful and didn’t disappoint, and the other disciples testified to that!  But his unbelief kept him from experiencing the joy of the Lord as the other disciples, yet the mercy of Jesus didn’t let Thomas completely miss out. (Romans 8:28, Hebrews 11:1)
John 20:27-Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.”
In His Love, Ld