Proverbs 14:30-A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.
The word “tranquil” in this passage means “to be in a contented emotional state, not angry or worried”.  So having a peaceful heart, has nothing to do with other people, like the emotion envy carries with it…(John 14:27)
Generally what causes us to complain and live ungrateful, is to be “moved” more by who/what we see, rather than Who we don’t see, which is God.  A focus on Christ and our relationship causes us to think about what we share together, what He has done, and what He will continue to be.  Such thoughts should overflow us with contentment and thanksgiving, because now my eyes are off of what I see other people have, and on what I share from Jesus. (Philippians 4:11-13, 1 Timothy 6:6, James 1:17)
Envy making “the bones rot” implies a slow death.  That I have allowed myself to be consumed literally with what others have, compared to what I don’t have or vice versa.  This rottenness eats away at all the good Christ has done personally, that can not compare with anyone else in the entire world!  A focus on Jesus should consumes us with all the good He has lavished upon us, and actually celebrate all the good lavished on others! (Romans 12:15)
If we think about someone who we live to bless is envious of someone else’s life, what angers us is the lack of attention towards what we have done!  Not only is their envy robbing them of the blessings of enjoying our love, but it is killing them slowly as well!  Which is the exact opposite of what we desired when we blessed them, we wanted them to experience life!
None of us enjoys the emotion of envy and jealousy.  Like any other sin, it is from a life of bondage, which Christ has paid the price for.  But if you struggle with being thankful, ask yourself, “who and what are am I focused on”, and also, “why should I have everything”?  Greed will always promote envy, such a battle has to continually resist from making our “god our belly”, and allow Christ to bring contentment, which breeds thanksgiving.
Philippians 3:19Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.
Happy Thanksgiving, Ld