2 Corinthians 6:11-13We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians; our heart is wide open. 12 You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted in your own affections.13  In return (I speak as to children) widen your hearts also.
If you ask a variety of people how they show affection to their loved ones, you will certainly get a wide range of actions, but the end result will be perceived affection.  That those receiving our affection, know the particular way we open our hearts to them.  We also know when our affection is not received, prompting us to ask the question, “what is the matter?”
In my household I try and check the “temperature” of my family, by doing my best to show affection.  Whether that’s spending time with my wife, taking my daughters out on “dates”, or playing video games or sports with son. My initiation of those events, shows to them that I am trying to open my heart…
Yet there have been times where opening my heart, was not met with the same affection and desire.  Which causes frustration and hurt from their hearts being “restricted” from me.  The temptation is to withdraw in pride, and not “be open” and restrict my affection from them.  Keeping my love from going out, and less likely to come in…
The apostle Paul in his desire to “win over” the Corinthians, knew that the means of “love not failing” was humility.  His plea was for them to receive their open hearts, and act upon them taking the first step of love and affection.  Their open hearts to the Corinthians, assured them that they were not going to be rejected.  But it took some humility to receive this affection…
The gospel is Christ “open heart” for us to receive His affection and love.  Yet what restricts us from this is our own closed affections!  Our rejection of this love, helps us see the unfathomable humility of our Lord, to continue keeping His hand outstretched.  The truth is, we are not completely humble because we initiate love.  Humility is truly tested, when we keep initiating it in the face of rejection and closed hearts, because that love is unconditional that only God sustains.
In His Love, Ld