I ran across the other day a former youth who was in my ministry years ago. He was not following the Lord any more, but he seemed pretty happy and content.

This encounter made me think: Is christian happiness different from that of unbelievers? Is christian hope different from that of unbelievers? What is our source of happiness and hope?

If we are honest, we would say that our hope often lies in the next vacation or the next break through in our job. It might even be in a prospect of moving somewhere else and starting new. In other words, it’s very short-sighted. The unbelievers look forward to or hope in the same things…

But how often do we think about the after-life? How often do we look forward to meeting the Lord and living in the kingdom of heaven? How do we put our hope in God and not in better circumstances of the immediate future?

“Israel, put your hope in the Lord.

For there is faithful love with the Lord,

and with Him is redemption in abundance.

And He will redeem Israel from all its sins.” 

Ps. 130:7-8

As One, put your hope in the Lord.

Ask the Lord that your heart will be happier thinking about the joy of heaven than the joy of earth.

And train your mind to look far ahead to the afterlife and work your way backwards to this life, so that you can be faithful in the meantime…