(Thank you for your prayers. My family and I are safely back from our vacation!)

God will never let anyone down who trusts in Him. It is never foolish to trust in God.

The problem is that sometimes it DOES look foolish to trust in God. It may seem like a bad decision to follow God’s way rather than man’s way, and it will seem to be going against nature.

In 2 Chronicles 32, the king of Assyria, Sennacherib, threatens the king of Judah, Hezekiah. Sennacherib has conquered many other nations before Judah and led a vast army. And this is what Hezekiah, a man of God, says to his people, “With him is an arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles.” 

It seemed downright foolish to trust in Hezekiah’s (Judah’s king) words. Sennacherib has conquered many others nations stronger than Judah. And all these nations had their own god they trusted. And yet, none of those gods were able to deliver them from the hands of Sennacherib. What makes Judah think that their God is any different?

It would’ve been easier to surrender to Sennacherib. There would be less damage certainly. But Hezekiah leads his people to trust in God. And as at any other time in the Bible when a man/woman/nation trusts in God, God delivers. He never lets them down. God delivers spectacularly and miraculously. He sends an angel of the Lord and destroys Sennacherib’s army.

Trusting God will seem foolish at times.

– Tithing when you are barely making it on 100% will seem foolish.

– Letting go of a man who is perfect in every way but not a Christian will seem foolish for a single Christian woman.

– Pursuing a multi-ethnic church when a mono-ethnic church would be easier will seem foolish.

– Letting go of a lucrative job to work with children with little pay (because you know this to be your calling) will seem foolish.

– Distancing yourself from a popular group of friends who are becoming toxic will seem foolish.

But trusting God is never foolish. God will never let anyone down who trusts in Him.