There are things that Janet and I do for our children that they will not become aware of until they become parents themselves.

If there are two nectarines, which I like very much, left in the refrigerator, I will not eat them because I want my children to eat them. I will spend money on a family vacation over the gadget that I really want. I will “force” myself to read them a bedtime story even though I’m drop-dead tired. I will take on a job that I feel is beneath me for the sake of my children…

Now I understand my parents and what they have done for me and my brother growing up. How they sacrificed and denied themselves for our sake. I was never aware of them (at least not to the extent now) while growing up. But now that I’m a parent myself, I am fully aware of what they have done.

When will we become fully aware of what God does for us day to day?

We are aware that He sent His Son for us and died to save us. But are we aware of what He does for us each and every day? Listen to these words of the Psalmist.

“If it had not been the Lord who was on our side – let Israel now say – if it had not been the Lord who was on our side when people rose up against us, then they would have swallowed us up alive, when their anger was kindled against us; then the flood would have swept us away…” Ps. 124:2-3

This psalmist is thanking for God what never happened! Because God prevented it!

Do we thank God for what DIDN’T happen? Do we thank Him for the disaster that did not strike us? Do we thank Him for the plane crash that did not happen last time we were up in the air? Do we thank Him for the deadly car crash that we were not involved in on the way to work today? Do we thank Him that we were not born in N. Korea and would have zero chance of knowing Him?


Whenever you see disaster striking around the world, think “I deserved that!” And be thankful that it didn’t strike you because God was merciful.

“Better than I deserve” is a great response to someone asking you, “How are you?”