Would Christian way of life still be worth it if there was no heaven or hell? If this life was all there is, should we still try to live the Christian life since it would bring us greater happiness and joy than not?

I used to say the answer is “Yes.” Even if there was no afterlife, the Christian way of life is better than living any way we please. Even though there is no heaven or hell, living with self-denial, sacrifice, caring for the poor would lead to a happier an healthier life. But now, I would say the answer is “No.” If there is no afterlife, there is no point in living the Christian life. If there is no afterlife, then God is not real. And if God is not real, then this world is all there is.  And if so, then I should live trying to maximize the pleasures of this world with no restraint, only limiting myself to the pleasures that would bring me further pleasure.

So, to answer the question in the subject line: If there is no heaven, are we wasting our lives trying to live the Christian life? Yes!

We find this line of thinking in ps. 73. The psalmist confesses that he was envious of the wicked who is wealthy, healthy and living a long trouble-free life. He starts thinking all the years of trying to keep his heart clean and pure is useless. That is until God shows him a vision of where they will end up! They will be destroyed eternally! And He will receive those who lived in faith into eternal bliss.

Nevertheless, I was continually with you;

you hold my right hand.

You guide me with your counsel, 

and afterward you will receive me to glory.

(Ps. 73:23-24)

If this world is all there is, we should NOT live the Christian life. We can be happier with a different lifestyle. But God is real. Heaven and hell are real. And therefore, living the Christian life is more than worth it. (1 Corinthians 15:19)