Psalm 51:1Against you, you only, have I sinned
and done what is evil in your sight,
 so that you may be justified in your words
and blameless in your judgment.
All of us possess within us an “inner lawyer”, that is desperate to defend and justify ourselves amidst every decision and/or disagreement we find ourselves in.  Yet I do believe trying to defend or reason our way with people, makes for clarity and can help establish understanding between one another.  But when we are wrong, do we still stubbornly hold onto our “inner lawyer”, or submit to another person’s defense?
Pride keeps us from admitting that someone else’s defense or accusation against us may actually be true!  This is the first step to being humble before God and His Word.  That no matter how relentless we are to avoid shame, by our “relentless justifications” of being wrong.  If we violate what is blatantly true, than we are not justified before God, or the people we have been defending ourselves against.
Our justifications to be “The authority” over our lives rather than God’s Word, leaves us truly living under no authority at all (from the heart), justifying everything as if we are right.  Though loneliness is sure to come from following God’s Word, because people can justify themselves against that as well.  But at least when we are submitted to God’s Word/Spirit, we are with Him, rather than completely alone with our “justifications”…
King David in being famous for his heart towards God, in revealing these words, shows that he isn’t the kind of person who is immediately defending himself.  Because he is waiting to be pardoned by God’s standard, means he must examine himself if he is justified or not.  So he is not worried about being right in his pride, more than his relationship being right with God in humility!
In order to really find if we are on one accord with God/people, do you examine “The Truth” of whether if you are right or not?  Because we may live justifying ourselves before everyone, never really acknowledging other “voices” at all, the most important voice being God’s…
In His Love, Ld