There are times when we have to bite the bullet and say things even though we know it will offend and hurt some people. If you are people-savvy and advanced in years, you know exactly how to talk to people to keep them calm and not to stir them up unnecessarily. There are topics to avoid, or if you have to broach it, then you know how to do it so as not to ellicit any negative responses. A lot of wisdom goes into this. It has to do with the tone of your voice, word choice, even the order of words you utter, body language, and the spirit in which you say things.
That being said, there are times when you just have to bite the bullet and say things even though you know it will offend and hurt some people. Why would you do that? Because the honor of Christ depends on it. It’s the point at which you are willing to take the bullet and die then to avoid it and live. It is the proverbial hill worth dying on.
Do you have something like that in your life? Something you are not willing to compromise and will not back down from? You will stand your ground no matter the cost and if you have to die for it, then you would? It has to do with your conviction and calling. It has to do with living for something greater than yourself, for if you only live for yourself, you never need to say anything that might harm you.
Paul faced such a situation. He was put in front of a mass of Jews to defend himself against heresy. (Acts 22) How he spoke could mean the difference between life and death. And as a rhetorician and a pharisee, he knew exactly what will incriminate him and get him killed or free him! What does he choose? He announces that he was sent by God to the gentiles! A wrong thing to say if he wanted to live! The jews couldn’t accept it. And Paul knew it. Why? Because that was his calling. He was given the mission by Jesus to go to the gentiles with the good news. And when the time came, he was going to stick with his conviction and die than to weasel his way out.
Do you have such a hill you are willing to die on? If what you say and stand for would ostracize you or cut you off even from your family and friends, is your conviction strong enough for it? I pray that it is. If not, then what are you living for?