Psalm 19:10-12More to be desired are they than gold,
even much fine gold;
 sweeter also than honey
and drippings of the honeycomb.
Moreover, by them is your servant warned;
in keeping them there is great reward.
12  Who can discern his errors?
 Declare me innocent from hidden faults.
When I think about what makes a person more prepared than another, its common to start with how much knowledge and wisdom has been imparted into to them.  For example, basic knowledge about your own vehicle, can help you be more prepared for a flat tire.  Much more than the person who hasn’t been proactive on how to fix a flat…
So when it comes to life in general, how much of what we do is based on waiting to react, instead of being prepared to react, by what we know in wisdom and in truth? Even when it comes to our own sins and issues, how much are we aware of our attitude and actions, and eliminating our shame, if the Word isn’t dissecting what we do?
The Psalmist speaks about the Word as a means to “warn” or prepare.  This serves as a great reward in avoiding unnecessary problems, which come from a lack of wisdom or proper preparation.  So we end up living a life reactive to problems, that most could’ve been avoided, if we were humble enough to listen and be proactive.
There was a term I heard tossed around growing up, “Ignorance is expensive”.  Now imagine the decisions we have made, that have cost us much more than money, all because we didn’t listen, but reacted anyway?  I have learned in many cases, that God’s Word warns, prepares, and equips us to avoid stubborn ignorance that’s costly!  So we can live life proactive and confident, not reactionary and insecure, without wisdom of what to do in life…
In His Love, Ld