Psalm 4:4-5Be angry, and do not sin;
 ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent.
5 Offer right sacrifices,
and put your trust in the Lord.
I’m always reminded in traffic just how impatient I am, and reactionary I am tempted to be.  As if life, especially traffic, is to flow logically and make sense all the time!  So I am learning and growing to pause silently in my own heart, and think the best in traffic.  Being more reflective, treating those how I want to be treated, with patience if I were lost, or had anxiety issues with driving…
Traffic teaches me a lot about my prayer life, and how to trust in the Lord when things tempt me to react, especially in anger.  The Psalmist clearly affirms our natural emotions to be angry, but expects us to move beyond reactionary to reflective or patient.  For the sake of honoring the Lord because we trust Him, and don’t react as if that situation is finalized in that moment…
The Psalmist says to “ponder”, or to meditate upon what it is, that has caused the emotion.  When we are slow to anger, we become more clear about the situation, and don’t say or do things we could regret.  The Lord has a way of helping us calm down to get understanding in a situation, if we “offer right sacrifices”, and trust Him to do so…
Though our lives in society may move at a fast pace, if we practice pondering in our hearts before we react, we can slow life down.  Just because life around us is frantic, doesn’t mean I have to respond frantically.  Seek the Lord, by learning to “see through” situations, which teaches communion with God instead of being led by frantic emotions…