2 Corinthians 1:12-For our boast is this: the testimony of our conscience that we behaved in the world with simplicity and godly sincerity, not by earthly wisdom but by the grace of God, and supremely so toward you.
Last night after being awoken by the heavy rains here in Lacey, and then struggling for two hours to go back to sleep.  I randomly thought about the “Flint water crisis”, and how the officials of that city knew there was “lead” in the water, yet still allowed those families to consume it in that city for years.  Having some disastrous effects on generations of families…
What I kept meditating on, was the hardened conscience’s of such “leaders”.  To allow those people to be treated as expendable, without any care whatsoever, while appointed officially to lead the city!  The ability to sleep, without being disturbed by our evil, might be the greatest testimony of needing to be born again!
The apostle Paul appeals to the Corinthian church, not about his gifts, degrees, mission trips, revelations from God, nor how respected he is.  But makes his boast in his conscience before God.  When we allow God to be the “measure” of what we will and will not do, we become much more courageous to do what is right by Him.  In being “born again”, the Holy Spirit bear witness to our conscience, which we can’t escape! (Romans 9:1)
Test whether you have allowed life to alter your conscience in what is right by God?  Though others may excuse their conscience before God, in doing what is right, the charge for us as Christians is to honor God with ours personally.  I believe that is when true peace can be realized, and real faith seen by others.  When we are able to rest in what we know is right for our conscience before God.
In His Love, Ld