We think happiness is in changing to a better state of being. But really, happiness is in changing itself.

This is what I mean. Have you ever thought that if you can just get that job, you would be happy? And you got that job! You were happy! But only for a few weeks. And then, you wanted a promotion. And you are back to unhappy state until you get that promotion. And when you get that promotion, you were happy for a while. Until you settled in and now you want something else…

You see, that job is a new state (of being) that you thought would bring you happiness. But you quickly got used to it and you wanted something else. But it did bring you temporary happiness when it first changed.  What this means is that it is not the new state that will ultimately bring us happiness (for we quickly get used to it and want something else), but it is in CHANGING itself that brought happiness.

In this line of thought, you see the impossibility of ever being happy in this world. Because there is a limit to how much things can change. Let’s say you conquered the world and you are the emperor of the world, after being in that state a while, you won’t be happy. You will have to change (a positive change at that), but there is nowhere to move up to. You are at the very top! What then? That’s why when Alexander the Greater conquered the world at age 33, he wept because there was no more world to be conquered! He knew that he couldn’t possibly be happier than where he was and he wasn’t very happy then!  (This would explain why the suicide rate is so much higher in developed countries than underdeveloped…)

What is God’s method for satisfaction? Rather than changing the world around us (which is limited), He changes us. Even though our circumstances and surroundings may stay the same, we are changing (or renewed) day by day and therefore, we can be in this “happy” (or joyful) state.

“Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” 2 Cor. 4:16

Paul knew the secret of being happy (or joyful). It wasn’t in changing the externals. As a matter of fact, as we age, it get worse and worse… But our inwards could change infinitely for we are infinite beings, made in the image of God and made immortal by the redeeming act of God.

More important than losing a few pounds, getting a new degree, changing jobs, getting more organized this year, would you work on being changed inwardly?

“For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8