Lamentations 5:20-21-Why do you forget us forever,
why do you forsake us for so many days?
21 Restore us to yourself, O Lord, that we may be restored!
Renew our days as of old—

One of the more sobering thoughts about relationships in life, is that our knowledge of other people gets “greater” as seasons change. By greater, I mean the extent of knowledge we have of people through aging, tragedies, sins, or life in general…

The same way we get knowledge of ourselves and others, through ever changing seasons of life. We grow in this same kind of knowledge in God, when we walk with Him from season to season. Some seasons are filled with great joy in the abundance of grace we experience. While some seasons are filled with doubt, pain, and the frustration of wondering whether things will ever get better?

The children of Israel found themselves in a season of judgment, where God stripped them of all the goodness He provided them. So the “laments” of Jeremiah, represent a heart that has been in a tough season long enough, to desperately desire God to change it. Jeremiah doesn’t ask for the “materials” they enjoyed, so much as he desires what the relationship used to resemble, restored gladness and joy in the Lord!

My prayer for you if you are frustrated, is to remember He is faithful, and that He hasn’t forsaken you. But much like any other relationship, you won’t know how faithful someone is, until you’re tested to wonder, and they prove it! God always proves Himself faithful, the challenge will always be whether we are? Seek God’s grace to endure, until you see joy again!

In His Love, Ld