I’m reading through the Book of Daniel now. It is an amazing book of prophecies that foretold the events hundreds of years before they happened. It told about the rise and fall of empires and kings. God has let in on Daniel a glimpse of the distant future that is in His hand.
I used to get uncomfortable with the thought that God not only knows the future but has also ordained the future. A part of that uncomfortableness, I believe, came from not trusting God. I thought an unknown and unknowable future is more exciting and freeing than a determined future. After all, if the future is determined, then what is the point of trying anything? What is the point of progress? What is the point of our effort to obey? We are just robots dancing to the program that God has written into us. It felt too restricting…
But now I know God a little better, I know that what God designs is so much freer and better than what I can dream of. His way is higher and better than mine and when I have a mental objection to His word, it is my thinking that is limiting and restricting and not His!
Daniel speaks of a the “Son of man” who is given dominion and glory and a kingdom. (Daniel 7:13) And that kingdom will last forever. No doubt referring to Jesus. And this, hundreds of years before He came on the scene.
God doesn’t do things last minute. He doesn’t haphazardly put together a plan to control chaos. Everything is going according to His plan. That includes WWI, WWII, and your number of days on earth and mine. I take comfort in that. Who better to trust than the One who loved me and you so much that He did not spare His own Son? (Have you realized giving His Son was harder than Himself going to the cross?)
Rest in the fact that your name is written in the book of life (if in fact it is).