Do you know God’s will for your life?

That’s a question that I was very interested in when I was in college. I wanted to know what God would have me do, so that I can decide on my major and be successful at it. I didn’t want to go into something that wasn’t God’s will and end up ruining my life. I listened to many messages and read books on how to determine the will of God.

Then, one day, I read this concerning how to determine God’s will. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

Frankly, it wasn’t very helpful. I wanted something more definite. I wanted to know whether I should major in engineering or architecture, and that verse didn’t specify which!

Now that I’m older and more mature (hopefully!), I know what that verse meant. And it is more important than knowing exactly what major we are to choose, whom we are to marry, which city we are to live in, etc.

That verse (Romans 12:2) is saying that we are to so train our minds to think such spiritual thoughts and what may please the Lord that when it comes to a decision time, we will decide for that which will be God’s will. In other words, what we want is a roadmap. What God wants is a mind that is inclined toward pleasing Him. What is God’s will is for us to become the type of persons who will put God’s interest first rather than our success and comfort.

So, in the end, it would not have matter much whether I chose engineering or architecture as my major. What mattered was whether I chose it based on what I believed would please the Lord. After all, I won’t be known in heaven by my occupation. I will be known in heaven by how much I have loved the Lord.