God likes it when we are audacious with Him. Because this will give Him an opportunity to show how gracious He is.

This wouldn’t work with other humans. If I have cheated you out of all your life-savings for my gain, it would be audacious for me to ask for forgiveness especially if I have spent it all and no way to pay you back the money. It would be too brazen for me to expect you to treat me the same after something like that.

But God’s grace is such that He wants us to be audacious and brazen in asking Him for grace and forgiveness. After all, isn’t that what the thief on the cross was doing? At the last possible moment, he audaciously and brazenly asks to be in paradise with Jesus!

I think David knew this about God as well. After his failure with Bathsheba, he “boldly” goes to God and not only asks for forgiveness but also to protect him from his enemies (Ps. 38).

If we think we can’t go to God because what we have done is too evil and treacherous, then we are not being humble but rather underestimating the graciousness of God. In a twisted way, we are being proud of the grandioseness of our sins that even God cannot forgive…

Be audacious in asking God to overlook our sins. Be brazen in leaning on His grace and mercy. Now, DO NOT go on sinning just to test how merciful God is! But when you do, lean on the everlasting gracious arms of God to forgive and heal.