God’s love is the anchor and engine of our love! That in spite of offenses, we can still show genuine love, because our love doesn’t rest in the acceptance or disregard of others. So even if our enemies don’t want love, we can express it. Or the ones we love offend us, we were never dependent on them for the love we truly need.
God desires our hearts to be a “wellspring” of love that flows (John 4:14). But too many times we allow others and their careless remarks and actions to “clog” it up, stifling our joy and peace. Jesus desires for our hearts to rest, as His did on the cross for us! That in spite of the world’s offenses, His love poured out! Consider His words while dying, “forgive them Father for they know not what they do”(Luke 23:34). Root your whole heart in God for love, it is truly unshakable!