The country of my birth, South Korea, is one of the leading countries in giving its children up for adoption. I am eternally grateful especially to Christian couples who adopt these children and raise them as their own, introducing Christ to them and much more.

But until then, these children are often put in orphanages and foster care. They are taken care of by the guardians. Many of these guardians mean well, but they cannot give the care and love that the adoptive parents can give. I’ve watched documentaries in which these guardians will even travel with the child until arriving at the adoptive country and handing over the child to his/her adoptive parents.

The law, Paul says, is like that guardian. The law was given to us in order to “guard” us until we are brought to Christ.

“So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith.” Gal. 3:24-25

The Father and His Son have adopted us. They are the wealthiest, kindest, wisest, and most loving persons in the world, and they will go to the ends of the universe to protect, care, and love you and me. Everything they have is mine and yours!

Yet, some of us long for our former guardian. How? By valuing and striving for what the world offers. The world was our guardian. We used to follow its ways. We saw ourselves through its eyes. We strived for what was valuable according to our guardian. But no longer. We belong to God. We are children and not orphans. Therefore, we live resting and enjoying our status as children and heir.

– When you look at yourself in the mirror, would you see it through God’s eyes?

– Before you post your selfie on social media, would you remind yourself that God approves you first?

– As you are applying to colleges or jobs, know that you are already accepted in God’s eyes.

– If you are single, Jesus is your constant companion, who is better than any spouse.

Don’t forget who you are. You are a child of the King!