Deuteronomy 31:16And the Lord said to Moses, “Behold, you are about to lie down with your fathers. Then this people will rise and whore after the foreign gods among them in the land that they are entering, and they will forsake me and break my covenant that I have made with them.
Sometimes our anticipation of what we think should happen can “get in the way” of what is going to happen.  Our anticipation can be optimistic or pessimistic, yet both views are “blind” to what God will actually do throughout our lives.  Being positive is great, but being positive doesn’t mean you are in faith, or that what you believe to happen is true at all…
If we look at what God says to Moses at the end of his life, and what will come from the fruit of it, we might look at it as it not being worth it at all.  Because we generally believe that if we are faithful, and do what’s right by God (most of the time), things should turn out for what we would define as “good”.  But that doesn’t leave much room for God to do what He pleases, if our definition of good is defined by what we expect…
God alerted Moses on what would happen after he died, that the people would go “whoring after other gods” and break covenant with Him.  If I were Moses I would feel somewhat cheated, wondering about all the suffering and sacrifice I went through for the fruit of my efforts, to be summed up by unfaithfulness…
But one of things I think is crucial to remaining steadfast with God, is determining Him to be good, no matter the outcome of our efforts.  That our hearts wouldn’t rest in what we expect, but in our Father who is perfect and has an ultimate plan.  So part of that plan for Israel in Moses life was for them to rebel, that doesn’t seem good or positive!  But Moses was faithful to “his part” in God’s plan.  God doesn’t promise us that things will turn out for “good” in our own limited expectations of the word.  But it will be good for His overall plan and glory. (Romans 8:28)
In His Love, Ld