Are you confused about the worth of human life? You’ve heard that since we are made in the image of God, our worth is infinite. But then, you’ve also heard that since we are sinners, we are worthless – less than a worm! Which is right? Are we of infinite worth? Or are we worthless? Let me try to answer. Please follow this logic…

  1. We were nothing in the beginning since we didn’t exist.
  2. God made us in His image and so we became something.
  3. Yet, we have thrown it all away, making ourselves less than nothing.
  4. But, God will restore us, making us invaluable things.
So, notice the sequence. 1.Nothing. 2. Something. 3. Less than nothing. 4. Infinite thing.
This is the gospel in its core. Especially the move between 3 and 4 – from less than nothing to infinite thing! How do we go from less than nothing to infinite thing in one move? It’s called grace. It is the most surprising thing in the world.

God’s grace is out of nowhere! It has no reason. Nothing leads up to it. That is why it’s so surprising and unexpected. Let me give you an example from the Old Testament.

In Ezekiel 16, God describes how He found Israel who was worth nothing. He took her (Israel) in and made her beautiful and married her, making her something. But she betrayed Him and whored herself to other gods, making herself less than nothing. But God restores her and promises everlasting covenant with her, making her an infinite thing.

But why does God promise to restore this prostitute who threw away all of God’s previous goodness on her? There’s no reason. There is no explanation. Nothing leads up to it. It’s simply God’s grace.

Our logic doesn’t work like that. We need something from the perpetrator to show him goodness. A hint of regret. Meeting us half way. An admission of a possibility of fault… But none of it was present in Israel. Yet, God shows His grace. And that’s why it’s grace. UNMERITED favor!

Grace is so confounding because there is nothing on earth like it. And I love it!!!

God loves you in spite of you. Will you repent and turn to Him?