Deuteronomy 8:3And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every wordthat comes from the mouth of the Lord.
If there is anything that brings us comfort, especially in times of distress is familiarity. Predictability of things in our life may bring us comfort, but it doesn’t bring growth.  If growth is really going to happen, having the same experiences, with the same people, in the same predictable way, stunts growth.  There is no need to grow because nothing has changed…
Being led by God’s Word was what Moses was instilling into the children of Israel. For the sake of adapting to an environment, that required them to grow out of what they were familiar with.  That God purposely “let them hunger and fed them with manna”, for the sake of needing to change and get out of the familiar.  The only way they were going to do that, was to be led by what God provided, not what they were familiar with…
It is the same principle for us in life as Christians.  As long as we make the provisions, they will generally be comfortable, because we all gravitate to what is familiar.  But if we are led by God, we will be forced to face the unfamiliar and adapt accordingly, and live off what He provides.
As Moses said, God “let them hunger”, so I believe God allows for us to experience intense season’s of life, where what was familiar as a provision, must now change. Whether that’s how to deal with a relationship, job, or yourself.  It’s an opportunity to grow in Christ, finding satisfaction in God through His Word, instead of what we generally retreat to…
In His Love, Ld