Deuteronomy 6:6-7And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
It is inevitable, that in order to hear the heart of people in your life, you have to spend time with them.  Eventually you hear the things that concern them and bring them joy. I’ve learned that just being in the presence of my children, I get to hear what is on their heart, because they continually speak about a certain thing.
Of course this is not a new principle, if we have been a Christian for any length of time, we have heard Jesus say in Matthew 12:34, “out of the abundance of the mouth the heart speaks”.  That what we talk about the most, is the “abundance” or overflow coming from within.
With that said, how much is the Word or principles from the Word, dominating what you operate from, (and teach) in your own home?  The Word being on our own heart, is the only way it becomes relevant enough to speak about and operate from.  Without the Word being in our own hearts, it never gets to the place of car rides, dinner tables, or any other place, where teaching wisdom is practical within everyday life.
Even if you have set times of “devotionals” with your family, those can’t replace a heart that has the Word in it.  Because having it in your heart supersedes “form”, it becomes a function of everyday life, which is what God intended for His people to live by.
I encourage you make time for the Word to get in your own heart, for the sake of not being religious, and believing that attending church will replace the practicality God intended the Word to operate from.  To live set apart in His wisdom, as His people.
In His Love, Ld