God is often disappointing because He doesn’t do what we expect Him to do. He hates being predictable. He doesn’t work like our friends. With our friends, when we do our part, we expect them to do their part. For example, when we we buy them lunch, we expect them to buy us lunch next time. But God doesn’t follow this protocol.

Jesus’ brothers tell Jesus to go to a big festival and reveal Himself to the world there. But Jesus tells them that His time is not yet and therefore, He will not go. However, later, it’s almost as if He changed HIs mind and goes to the festival! Is Jesus acting like a moody teenager? Why did He tell them He’s not going to listen to them and not go to the festival if He’s going to go later anyway? (John 7:10)

Jesus is God. God does not take orders from anybody. Also, God’s way is not our way. The brothers wanted Him to go out in the open. But Jesus goes in secret. (John 7:10) Man’s way is to let as many people know of our good deeds. But God’s way is in secret and only for a few. This is consistently so in the New Testament. God reveals Himself only to those who are chosen by Him. And He does NOT choose everyone.

So, if God is to do His work among us today, don’t expect Him to do it like we would. We want things to blow up in a good way. But God’s way may be far smaller and seemingly insignificant. Also, we cannot expect or demand God to do anything. He owes us nothing. We can never do enough good things to make Him owe us. In other words, you cannot say to God, “God, I’ve been so good lately. And I’ve lived a clean life and I’ve given a lot of money and time to your church. So, you must grant me this one wish!”

The only thing we can do is to beat our breast and say, “Have mercy on me, O God, a sinner!” Then leave it up to Him to decide whether He will or not.