We forget that Jesus is a fierce warrior. He is not only a gentle Shepherd who will talk about grace and mercy, but also a great and fierce warrior who will fight for us and keep us.

I get this picture from David in the Old Testament. This sweet singer of Israel was also a fierce warrior. When his camp was raided and the women and things were taken from his men, he takes an army to go after the perpetrators and utterly destroys them and recovers all that they have lost. (1 Samuel 30)

Jesus is the Warrior who will come back bearing his sword and riding on a horse. And He will utterly destroy the enemy and bring back everything his people have lost. It will be an awesome sight! This is what Peter Jackson and other Hollywood directors have only dreamt of depicting. There will be an epic battle between God and Satan, and God will annihilate him and his cohorts. Death himself will die (Revelation 20:14)

But in the meanwhile, it may seem like we are at the losing end. Jesus may seem too weak to deliver us from whatever circumstances. The world has done Him in and He is nowhere to be found…

But as surely as He predicted His own death and the subsequent resurrection, He will come back, destroy our enemies, and restore everything that we have lost and then some.

Put your hope in this Warrior King. He is powerful. He will restore all things to you. He is good.