“Does Jesus put food on the table? What’s the point then?” A mother exclaimed to her believing daughter. This is an encounter I was told took place between a mother and her daughter who was getting serious in her commitment to Jesus. I wasn’t surprised. I’ve heard this many times even from those supposedly believing church people…

“Does Jesus put food on the table?” Now, think about that question. First, it assumes that Jesus doesn’t. Second, it assumes what puts food on the table is what’s essential. And third, it assumes there is no connection between food and Jesus.

Let’s explore the first assumption – that Jesus doesn’t put food on the table. He is the co-Creator with God the Father. Nothing is made that which is not made through Him (John 1:3). Just how and why do you think the world exists?

Let’s explore the second assumption – that what puts food on the table is what’s essential to life. Food, shelter, and clothes are what’s essential to life, I learned in social science long time ago. They are what we need in order to survive physically. But are they ALL we need? For example, if we had them, happiness is guaranteed? Why am I bringing up happiness? Because I think we can agree that being happy is what life is about. Most of us Americans don’t have to worry about food, shelter, and clothes. And yet, are we truly fulfilled? Are we satisfied with just those? No. Because we are not animals! We are not just physical beings. We need love. We need meaning. We need hope. We need wonder. We need a home we belong to…

Let’s now explore the third assumption – that there is no connection between food and Jesus. Jesus said to the crowd, “you are seeking me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of the loaves… I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.” (John 6:26, 35)

Do not miss the importance of this conversation. Jesus gave them food not so that they won’t die or even to get them to follow Him, but as a “sign” that He IS the Bread of life. The earthly bread He gave them (the miracle of feeding 5000) was to lead them to Jesus, the ultimate Bread!

Unfortunately, the people only focused on the physical and never saw that Jesus is the very embodiment of what they really needed. They would rather have bread than the Bread of life…

How do you really feel when you hear from the pulpit that your circumstances may not improve when you go to God but He will give you Himself? Is that a disappointment? Would you rather that God change your circumstances than for Him to give you Jesus?

Dear, Jesus, help us want you more than the physical things. Let us see the emptiness of pursuing after physical things that will not ultimately satisfy. Let us find our solace in You! Amen.