I’ve been reading the world news all this morning, and it’s depressing to do so. The nuclear problem with North Korea. The collapsed houses built on a dump in Sri Lanka. The political unrest that could be dangerous in Turkey…

More viscerally, I hear of problems all around me that have no easy solution. People are suffering and lost without Christ. Sometimes, I just want to shout, “Believe on the Lord Jesus! Let Him take care of your problems for you!” But I know doing so will only alienate them from Christ even further.

So, the easiest and perhaps even the most logical thing to do is to give up. There are too many problems and it’s beyond us and therefore, we just focus on our lives and have no concern for others.

This is what Andrew must’ve thought when Jesus asked how they can feed 15,000 plus people with just one basket of food, and he said, “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are they for so many?” (John 6:9)


Makes perfect sense, right? That one basket in his hand can feed maybe 3 people max. But there were thousands of people there. So, what is the point? What he has is too little. But what does Jesus do with it? He multiplies it a thousand fold and ends up feeding everyone on that mountain and had some leftovers!

The lesson: Offer up what we have to Jesus and trust Him to handle the world. Don’t get ahead of ourselves and think what we have is too little. Of course what we have is too little. But we have a big God. He can make enough food for North Korea out of rocks if rocks are all we have!

Offer up to God what little you have and trust Jesus.