Psalm 78:18-19They tested God in their heart
by demanding the food they craved.
19 They spoke against God, saying,
Can God spread a table in the wilderness?
One of the things that can cause great frustration within relationships is to be unappreciated.  Usually that feeling comes because we see ourselves as being consistently good to that person.  Generally people don’t have this feeling of being unappreciated, if they haven’t done much good to serve the other person…
What we are really wondering in our hearts when we are taken for granted, is whether that person believes in who we are, and in the love we show them.  For example if you have taken pains to make sure your spouse doesn’t have to do extra work, because you see it helps them.  It would really bother you if they rejected your work, and complained about what you didn’t do…
This spirit of ingratitude is also insatiable, and can never be satisfied because the issue is the persons unbelief in who you are, and the love you do give! Ungratefulness always leaves us discontented, because our focus is always on what we didn’t get, instead of what we are getting.  So instead of questioning our own heart, we are always questioning the other person, because we maybe getting what we need, just not what we want!
This was the whole issue with the children of Israel and why God’s wrath eventually judged them.  God was focused on giving them what they needed, which caused them to live by faith in Him and His loving provision.  But because what God provided was not what their unbelieving cravings yearned for, they questioned the goodness of God!  They “tested” God’s character because they didn’t get what they want, instead of condemning their own wicked heart of unbelief.
Have you allowed your “cravings” to wrongly indict God, and the people you should be grateful to have in your life?
In His Love, Ld