We miss what God tells us when we believe so strongly what we want to believe. For example, when we believe that God is dedicated to our health and well-being, when an unfortunate event happens, we assume we must’ve done something wrong. “Perhaps there is a hidden sin in my life and that’s why this unfortunate thing happened.” But why not doubt the belief that God is dedicated to our health and well-being?

Jesus told the disciples that He will be captured, killed, and will rise again in three days. But this did not register with the disciples at all. They didn’t understand a word. (Luke 18:31-34) Why not? Because they were so set on believing that Jesus is going to be an earthly ruler and deliver them from Roman control. And since they were dead set on this belief, it didn’t register when Jesus told them that He would die.

So too, when we are dead set on believing the false teaching, when we hear the truth, it does not register with us. I can’t tell you how many times I hear, “If God loves me, then how can this happen to me?” And I know this person has heard many times that BECAUSE God loves us, He will let hard things happen to us, for God disciplines those whom He loves. But because we are so set on believing that God will never let anything bad happen to HIs children, we don’t understand when it does.

God’s truth is different than what we think it should be. If God’s word makes sense to you all the time, then you are probably not hearing God’s word. God’s word is almost always contrary to what we think, puzzling, and more glorious!