Hebrews 11:39-40And all these, though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised, 40 since God had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect. 

How would you define “leaving the world better for future generations”?  This is a great notion and concept that the world has, and in it, there is nobility and responsibility that most people would agree on.  The problem will always be the means or method in which we go about doing that.  Some believe in saving the trees, some believe in saving the animals, some believe in leaving great wealth for their children.  But what does God believe for the Christian?

If we truly examine how we leave future generations better off than ourselves as believers, we must ask ourselves what are we willing to give up.  Because in the case of the Christian what preserves a legacy is giving up on things that embody what you and I may want, over what God wants for us.  Consider Jesus…

The Bible in Hebrews 12:2 says about Jesus “for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame…” meaning He didn’t choose the cross as His own personal indulgence to advance future generations.  But He was obedient, dying to His own fleshly desire to pass “the cup of suffering” (Matthew 26:39). But Jesus endured it, to set up the future generations of Christians to have it better off than the Old Testament believers!

For the Christian it is impossible to leave a legacy of faith, if humility and sacrifice is not the road you choose to take.  Marriage, children, careers, etc. are not influenced for Christ through ambitious pride and selfish indulgence. But what we sacrifice in obedience, influences the next generation to trust Jesus as well.  Unlike the world, we are to leave a legacy of faith, enduring what we wouldn’t want naturally, but proving Christ and the legacy we leave is worth it.

In His Love, Ld