I’ve been really stressed out the past week. Now that the school is starting back up, and I’m teaching a brand new class I’ve never taught before at the private school I’m a part-time employee of.

It’s called ELL Bible. It’s a Bible class for international students, all of whom are Chinese high school students. Most of them are not familiar with the Bible, nor do they have a good command of English. (Most of them are NOT Christians) So, I’m having to battle on three fronts – linguistic, cultural, and spiritual! And last several days, I’ve been researching, acquiring materials, and brainstorming ideas to somehow guide and lead these young people to Christ! The only common thing I have with them is that I look like them!

So, I’ve been grumbling and kicking myself for taking on this class. “It’s too much work. Why couldn’t I just teach math like I did last year which required no preparation on my part?” I thought…

This morning, on the way to the school, still not sure exactly what or how to teach the Chinese students, I “happened” to be listening to an audio book titled, “Insanity of God.” It’s a book I just checked out of the library in the audio format. And guess what the author talked about? Those dear believers in China who have been imprisoned and persecuted because of their faith! Knowing that if they were to share their faith, they would go to prison for a minimum of 3 years, they did it anyway!

I made the connection. And I became so ashamed. God was rebuking me. How dare I complain about the opportunity to present Christ to these young people whom God had brought to my doorstep when so many Chinese pastors and missionaries have given their lives for the same cause…

Pray for me. Pray that I’ll be presenting Jesus to them untainted and attractive. Pray for my patience with them and also my time management.