Have you thanked God for a thorn on your side? Because without it, you would be worse off!

I mean by a “thorn” something unpleasant, something you think your life would be better without. But God placed it there really for your own benefit. And therefore, we must thank God for it!

I’m reading through the book of Acts and am reminded just how great and zealous this man, Paul, really was. He was even known by demons. When some men invoke the name of Jesus to cast out a demon, the demon makes it clear that it knows Jesus and Paul, but didn’t know the ones who were trying to cast it out. (Acts 19:15). Paul had spiritual powers and experiences that far surpass most, if not all Christians.

And that is why God gave him a thorn on the side! This was something unpleasant. He prayed three times that God would remove it. But each time, God said, “My grace is sufficient for you.” (2 Cor. 12:9) What did He mean? Why would God allow this discomfort in Paul’s life? Wouldn’t he have been even more zealous and prolific in this ministry if it weren’t for that debilitation?

No. I believe God allowed it in Paul’s life because if it weren’t for that, he would’ve become proud and domineering, and his ministry wouldn’t have been as effective. It really was in Paul’s best interest that God allowed that thorn in the side.

If God loves you and is to use you, then He probably gave you a thorn on the side, too. It is your weakness. It is something that you think you would be better without. It might be a physical thing. It might be a mental thing. It might even be an environment in which you grew up. But whatever it is that you are praying that God will take away, but because of it, you find yourself going to God again and again…

So, that thorn is really there to draw you to God and help you be more effective in your calling. Without it, we will be worse off contrary to what we think! So, accept it and thank God for it because it is being used for your own good.

Give thanks to God in ALL things – including your thorn!