Romans 5:11More than that, we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.
If you think about any argument you’ve had within in a relationship, in order for peace to come back into it, someone has to initiate the first move for reconciliation.  If both sides are too stubborn to make peace, than resolving that issue will never happen.  This is why issues can remain unresolved for years and years, because there has been no move towards reconciling, or restoring the relationship back to peace…
Jesus Christ the ultimate peacemaker, not only knew we had no desire to make peace with Him, but had no ability to either!  Imagine trying to make peace in a relationship, and that person has no desire to reconcile?  Think about the humility it takes to be the first one to reach out and try to make things right.  Now think about how much more humility it takes to make things right, when you have done nothing wrong!
God, more often than not, test whether we are seeking the Kingdom through how much we are willing to humble ourselves for Christ sake.  For Christ to reconcile Himself to the world (us) took ultimate humiliation, and a literal death to self!  As it was for Him, so will it be for us.  That in order to truly reconcile issues, pride cannot be the means of doing, it is always through humility.
God knows true humility for us is not natural, so we must seek Christ and His grace to do what we cannot.  Sadly so many issues in society, relationships, and life in general, go unresolved because we are too prideful to make peace.  That we’d rather keep conflict than humble ourselves to reconcile.  Ask yourself whether it is worth it to rest in your pride more than Christ and His loving peace?
In His Love, LD