The cross of Jesus is a stark and horrible picture of what our self-will looks like. When a little child is stubborn and wants it her way, we dismiss it as being cute and strong-willed, but it was for that the Son of God died the most horrific death and His Father sent Him to it…

It really comes down to one thing for all humanity: Those who say to God, “Let MY will be done,” and those who say, “Let YOUR will be done.” “Let my will be done” is the root of all sin. It’s self-centeredness. The self governs all things and therefore, is a god to himself. It is only when that individual is touched by God, seen the glory and grace of God, and says, “Let Your will be done,” He is born-again, saved….

The scribes, the pharisees, and the governor all wanted their will to be done. They feared the people, and their reputation was on the line. And Jesus was standing there demanding their lordship. But they weren’t going to give it to Him. They wanted control over their own lives. And therefore, they had to get rid of Him.

So, they did. They killed the Son of God who came to save them!

Think about your own will on this Good Friday. Which one are you? “My will be done” or “Your will be done”?

We sacrifice others for our advancement.

Jesus sacrificed Himself for our advancement.

We take the clothes off the poor to clothe ourselves.

Jesus took His robe off to clothe us.

We mock, spit at, gossip about those who would harm us.

Jesus was mocked, spat at, beaten to protect us.

We would crucify anyone who dares to hurt our family.

God sacrificed His only Son to save us!

Bend your will to Him. The life He gives will be happier.