Psalm 18:35You have given me the shield of your salvation, and your right hand supported me, and your gentleness made me great.

Have you ever considered the humility it took for Jesus to come down to earth to relate to us and die?  Of course that is the essence of the gospel.  But have you envisioned the great things that you have accomplished were because of God’s continued humility and gentleness towards you, and not the pride of your ability?

The temptation to have pride in our ability is to try and find self worth through what we do well.  Thinking that without this ability, we would not be as great as we are, so we tempt to boast in our greatness.  Yet this is what God hates, because it completely undermines the gospel and why Christ came.

God hates our pride because it skips the most vital part of any greatness that we have accomplished.  That the Lord is perfectly humble and gentle, making it possible for us to be, great!
If your parenting or teaching young children, think about how many times you could crush their spirit because they get things wrong all the time.  But what builds their confidence is not that they are great, but because the parent is consistently gentle or humble and merciful….
David knew that he was empowered by God in every good thing He did, but he also knew how sinful he was!  Let this week leading up to Easter, be a reminder of Jesus’ perfect humility in dealing with us daily in mercy.  Not to crush our spirit in what we deserve, but to be built up by His grace and mercy!
In His Love Ld