Almost everything Jesus commands, the world commands the opposite. For example, being meek. The world tells us that we must be assertive, make our opinion known, and when accused in any way, counter-accuse. This is so much so that if we keep silent, then we are assumed to be guilty!

But Jesus tells us to be meek: “Blessed are the meek,  for they shall inherit the earth.” (Matthew 5:5)

And He practiced what he preached. “Then Pilate said to him, “Do you not hear how many things they testify against you?” But he gave him no answer, not even to a single charge, so that the governor was greatly amazed.” (Matthew 27:13-14)

Jesus was meek. What does it mean to be meek? It means to entrust the self to God and thus not needing to defend the self. It means that since we are approved by God, we don’t need to listen to what anyone else says about us. Whether false or true, we really don’t care much about people’s opinions of us since we care about God’s opinion more.

It is foolish to try to get an approval by people who, in just a few short years, won’t even be in our lives.

It is equally foolish to want approval by the mob whose opinion could change in an instant.

In Christ whom we believe in, we are already approved. We are fully and completely accepted by God! And we will inherit the earth!

Resist the urge to have the last word.

Keep silent when accused.

It’s OK for them to believe that you are at wrong. (You are actually far worse!)

Be happy with God’s approval alone.