Psalm 16:7-8-I bless the Lord who gives me counsel;
in the night also my heart instructs me.
8 I have set the Lord always before me;
because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.

I remember studying psychology in college, and the immense amount of knowledge you would have to learn regarding the disorders of the human condition was ridiculous. But what helped a therapist or counselor sound confident was their knowledge of the disorders. So the ability to diagnose people with their knowledge, gave people confidence about knowing themselves, and coping with their disorders…

Like psychology, the Lord gives counsel about our “disorders”, but how much do we seek His counsel and allow Him to instruct us towards security in our disorder/sins? David knew he had “no good” apart from God, and had many personal “disorders” to deal with in his life. He knew his disorders threatened his overall security in life, so he purposed to set the Lord before Him, for the sake of security, peace, and joy.

Generally the things we find security in, God has to smash in order for us to realize that we are dealing with disorders that He alone must treat, by His counsel and Spirit. So consider having a diagnosis of a disorder. To diagnose yourself and treat yourself with your own ways would be considered ridiculous, especially if you have someone offering free professional therapy! “How prideful” would be our response to such a person!

But that is exactly the kind of heart that refuses counsel from the Lord, and expects to be secure in our own ways. David was only assertive in not being shaken or insecure regarding His life, because he is putting it in the hands of the Lord. Ask yourself whether insecurity is riddling your life, and then ask yourself where are you seeking counsel and refuge?

In His Love, Ld