What do you think of hell? Do you believe in it? If we are honest, we are at most unsure about the existence of hell. Or worse, we are fuzzy in thinking about it. And it’s not because we don’t know what the Bible says about it – the Bible is very clear about it – but it’s our experience that makes it for a fuzzy thinking. Here’s how it might happen:

We hear about hell at church (at our church, you will!) on Sunday, and perhaps we are fairly convinced that hell is real. Then, we go to work or school the next day and associate with people who are not necessarily Christians. And they are GOOD people. Frankly, some of them more decent than people at church! They care for their family and give to good causes. So, we start thinking, “These people cannot be going to hell. I know they don’t believe in Jesus and don’t belong to a church, but they are not bad people – certainly not deserving of hell! I’m not sure a loving God will send these decent people to hell…”

Here’s my answer: Hell is not for bad* people. It is for people who are separated from God. Heaven is heaven because God is there; hell is hell because God is not (at least His presence). People who do good and live good lives apart from God are choosing a world without God, which hell is…. And given enough time, in eternity, people without God will turn that place into what we typically know as hell.

Evidences of hell? Disease. Dying. Racism. Terrorism. Wars. Natural disaster. Child prostitution. Genocide. etc.

But the greatest evidence of hell is the indisputable historical fact of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The Son of God had to die the most horrifying death in order to save us from hell! (If hell didn’t exist, why would He do that?)

Don’t be fuzzy about hell. Jesus spoke of it often. Be warned. And warn others. (Some people won’t respond to heaven – especially the upper-middle class Americans since their life is already so close to heaven. But they might respond to hell.) Do it lovingly.