Do you wish for God’s blessing upon your life? Do you wish that for the church? Of course you do. If not, you should (ask for blessings upon your life). But to what end?

That last question is critical. It determines whether we are using God for our own desired end or submitting to God as the ultimate end.

Let’s face it. When we wish for and pray for God’s blessings, we don’t think beyond the blessings. We don’t think, “God bless me so that….” But rather, “God bless me.” Period. Being blessed is the end goal. But do you see how that would put you at the center of the universe and God is just a butler to get you what you want? You are still on the way to hell if that is how you think of God…

Then, what IS the purpose of being blessed?

May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make his face to shine upon us, Selah
that your way may be known on earth,
your saving power among all nations.
Let the peoples praise you, O God;
let all the peoples praise you!
(Ps. 67:1-3)

Did you catch that? Our being blessed is not the end goal. God’s way and His saving power being known on earth is the end goal. In other words, it’s God’s fame, not our fame that is the goal. Our goal is for peoples all around the world to praise Him!

– Do you lay awake at night pondering how to make peoples all over the world to worship God?
– Do you agonize and get frustrated because people won’t give glory to God?
– Are you hurt when someone walks away from faith and church and thinks nothing of it?
– What would bring you more joy – people praising you or praising God?

Oh, how I desire for you and me to be so in love with Jesus Christ that we would be happier when His name is made great than if our name was made great.