Humans are a curious being. We want to be in control of everything EXCEPT when it comes to love.

When it comes to love, rather than choosing to love, we want to be “chosen” by love. Isn’t that what we mean when we say, “I FELL IN love!” We didn’t make ourselves fall in love, but love found us and we fell in it! So, we didn’t choose love, but love chose us. In other words, we are admitting that we aren’t in control of love, but love is in control of us.

Such a thinking leads to divorce! (Or perpetual singleness, forever looking to be “in love.”)

If we are at the whim of “love” (by which we mean pure emotions), then what guarantees that it will last? After all, how long do we stay in that “being in love” state? When I see my wife making a delicious dinner for my family after a long day of work, I want to hug and kiss her. Then, an hour later, when I hear her yelling at the kids, not so much…

So then, am I at the mercy of my emotions? Are my emotions what I am supposed to follow since I am to be true to my heart? But who says that we should follow our hearts? Aren’t we supposed to lead our hearts since our hearts are “deceitful and desperately wicked?” (Jer. 17:9)

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart.. and love your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27)

In other words, CHOOSE to love. It’s a command! Choose love rather than waiting until being chosen by it.

The Divine Love Himself already chose us. Now, it’s our turn to choose love and love those that are difficult to love.