One of the hardest things to teach our children is that it is not about them. They are born thinking that everything is about them. Unless it is knocked out of them, they will live their whole lives thinking everything is about them.

Has that been knocked out of YOU yet?

How do you read the Bible? I mean, when you read it, are you asking, “What is this passage saying to me?” or “How can I apply this passage to my life?”

You made the Bible about you. But it’s not about you!

It is about Jesus. This world is about Jesus. And the Bible is about Jesus. You are a side note!

“You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me!” John 5:39

The Bible is about God redeeming the world to Himself through His Son, Jesus Christ. You are in that grand story. Although, we are side notes, extras if you will, the Main Character sacrifices Himself for the nobodies. So, when we are reading the Bible, we must be asking, “What does this passage say about Jesus?” “How was He the fulfillment of this promise?” And then, only then, we ask, “What does it mean for me?”

Have you gotten your priorities mixed up? Have you put your schedule ahead of God’s? Have you put your agenda before God’s?

Be with other believers this Sunday and worship God with your time and presence. Let’s make it about Him.