Knowing God is of utmost importance. It determines our eternal destination. But there is something even more important. Yes, even more important than knowing God.
That is to know that we are known by God.
Have you rested in the fact that you are known by Him (If indeed you are known by Him) and find joy in it? Or are you more focused on your effort to know Him and His will? In other words, are you more focused on how you need to go after God or how God came after you? Are you more fixated on how you need to pursue Him or do you rest in the fact that God knows you and pursued you?
It IS important to pursue God to know Him and His will to be sure. But if we are not careful, especially for those of us who are type A personality and fail first to rest in the fact that we are known by Him, we become susceptible to being disillusioned and to burn outs. (Do you ever wonder why some people who seemed to be all-out for God at one point, now wants to have nothing to do with God? Well, there might be your answer.)
When the disciples came back to Jesus rejoicing over driving out demons and performing miracles, He says to them, “Do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” Luke 10:20. What Jesus is reminding them is that even while they work hard for the kingdom of God and feel a sense of achievement, what should be on the forefront of their minds is what God has done for them. In other words, Jesus is saying to them, remember the gospel! The nature of the gospel is not what we do for God, but what God has done for us. Become fixated on what God has done for you until your heart rejoices in it, and then, only then, pursue hard after this God who first pursued after us. Remember, we love Him because He first loved us?
When I become discouraged and think of quitting (Can I say that?), I know it’s because I have not rested in the fact that I’m known by Him. I am trying to find my satisfaction in digging my own well and drinking my own sweat that has filled that hole. I must drink from the well that is God!
After the crucifixion, when Mary is distraught and discouraged, Jesus brings her back with just one word – “Mary.” (John 20:16) God called her name. She is known by Him.
Can you rest in the fact that God knows your name? Can you find satisfaction in that? Would you drink from His well? Or will you keep digging your own well?