Bad movies portray evil people one-dimensionally evil. They are pure evil without a cause and we love to hate them. But good movies will portray evil people more realistically, multi-dimensionally. They are not pure evil – they love their family, they love little children, they have insecurities, etc. But we don’t like evil people thus portrayed in movies because they are too much like us and harder to hate…

That makes me question, what is it that makes a person evil? Is it possible that a person who is good overall could be considered evil in the end? Could one act of evil define a person as evil? On the same token, could one act of good define a person as good?

“Yes” and “Yes.” Consider Pontius Pilate. He is the Roman governor who ordered Jesus to be flogged and then crucified. He is the epitome of pure evil, isn’t he? He committed the worst act of all in crucifying the very Son of God that came to save the world! He must’ve been evil through and through. He probably hated his family, abused women, beat little children, and cussed out the elders! Not so when you read the Bible. He was conflicted the whole time he was with Jesus. He didn’t want Jesus to be crucified. He wanted Him to go free because he knew He was innocent. But he felt pressure. From the Jewish leaders and the people. If a revolt resulted by not giving into their wishes, he may lose his position as governor over the Jews from Rome. So, he caved in. He didn’t intend to crucify the Son of God. But he did.

Oh, how easy it is to crucify the Son of God UNINTENTIONALLY! Good people crucify the Son of God daily! Of course we didn’t mean to, but we did. Just like Pontius Pilate…

Our only response is to fall on our face and cry out, “Have mercy on me O Lord a sinner!!!” Have you known how much of a sinner you are? The degree to which you feel yourself to be a sinner is the degree to which you love Jesus. (He who is forgiven much loves much. Luke 7:47)

Behold the cross of Jesus. Your “little” sins sent Him there. But His infinite love kept Him there. Forsake your evil as well as your goodness. Put on His goodness. And keep putting it on hourly until finally your speech and actions start matching up.