When Sennah was 1 or 2, I offered her a choice: a $100 bill or two shiny quarters. You can guess which she chose – two quarters (And I thought, “Great, she’s going to be poor all her life!”).

She couldn’t care less about the $100 bill. She couldn’t draw on it since it already had drawings on it. To a 2 year old, it was no different from any other paper laying around. But the shiny quarters, there are lots of use for them! She can suck on them, for instance…

When people reject Jesus, they do so in place of something they think is much more valuable. A status, for example.

One of the reasons why the Jewish leaders wanted to kill Jesus was because He was a threat to their status. “If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.” (John 11:48)   In wanting to preserve their nation from Rome and their status within it, they got rid of Jesus. But 2000 years later, today, I want to ask you: What happened to those men, to the nation they desperately try to preserve, and even the nation from which they wanted to preserve it?

Those men are long gone along with their bones. We don’t even know their names nor their children’s names. The nation they tried to preserve was scattered to the world in just 40 years time. And the empire they were so afraid of, Rome, is a tourist attraction. But Jesus they had so easily gotten rid of? His name is exalted to the heavens in Asia, Africa, South America, after making His round in Europe and North America. There are churches popping up everywhere to worship His name and people dying for His cause all over the world!

The year 2114. Just 100 years from now, you will be long gone. And so will your children. No one will remember your name. Nor your accomplishments. Your house may be a mall parking lot. Your shiny new car? … But Jesus? Be sure and know that His name will be greater than ever.

Don’t be like a 2 year old. Choose Jesus. Everyday. Every moment.