Nothing puts a lump in my throat faster than my girls (Not even a sappy Korean drama). My 5 year old called me the other day using my mom’s cell phone. I was a bit annoyed because I was in the middle of something. So I answered gruffly, “Why did you call, Serrie?” Now a crying voice said on the other end, “Daddy, I was going to say I missed you….” Lump in my throat; tears in my eyes.

There are only two people on earth that can call me, “Daddy.” There is only one who can call me, “Hubby.” That is my most important identity. I am a husband and a dad. Being a pastor is what I do. That is not who I am. Who I am is not tied to what I do but rather who I am related to. Following that thought, my utmost important identity is not in being a husband and a dad. But it’s in being a child. A child of the King, who is my heavenly Father. That is the very essence who I am. I am a child of the King of kings and Lord of lords!

Have you noticed that in Christianity, “who” is infinitely more important than “what”? While all criminals have been crucified in the 1st century for “what” they have done, Christ alone was crucified for “who” He was (or who He claimed to be). “The Jews answered him, ‘It is not for a good work that we are going to stone you but for blasphemy, because you, being a man, make yourself God.” John 10:33   

If you are feeling low this morning, it’s because you have made “what” to be primary in your life rather than “who.” You are trying to get your self-worth from what you do, how much you earn, your accomplishments and accolades rather than from who you are – how you are related to the King. Have you forgotten? You are a child of the King! You Daddy owns every island in Hawaii, Tahiti, Fiji, Caribbean. Your Daddy owns every continent – Africa, America, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, and Europe. Your Daddy owns every person on earth – all 7 billion of them! Your Daddy owns every star in the galaxy and every galaxy in the universe. And you are precious in His sight. More precious than all those galaxies, stars, continents, and islands put together. The way my girls are more precious to me than everything I have ever owned…

Who are you? You are a child of the King. Let that sing in and guide everything you do today.