Ever felt like you are wasting your life? Especially as a Christian, when you don’t see the fruit of your labor, you wonder why you live the way you do?

That thought crossed my mind… After preparing breakfast for my girls and brewing coffee for my wife this morning, I took a walk to pray in my neighborhood. And the thought, “Is this really all there is to life?,” entered my mind. I feel I have given my life in the service of the Lord. I tried my best to live for other people. I clung on to the notion that it is more blessed to give than to receive. But then, why am I feeling like I might be wasting my life? Why does living for myself seem attractive to me when I know that it will ultimately lead to emptiness and meaninglessness?

You know how God speaks to you unexpectedly but it is exactly what you needed at the exactly the right moment? That happened.

After that brief walk, I sat down on my couch and clicked on Desiring God website on my iPad to read a devotional on Mary pouring out precious alabaster perfume on Jesus’ feet. And Judas Iscariot rebukes her for wasting it when she could’ve given it to the poor. But Jesus commends Mary saying that whatever was done for Jesus is not a waste even though it may seem like a waste the world.

So, that was God saying to me that my work for Him is not a waste. Even though to the world’s eyes, what I am (and you are) doing is useless and irrational, God will see it as an act of worship pleasing to Him.

Living by faith is living for the invisible rather than the visible (2 Cor. 5:7). Of course the world will make us think we are wasting our lives. “Who lives for something that cannot be seen? Will that put food on the table?” But we know that “man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” How do I know that’s true? Because I have bread. But I need to live for something greater. Existentially, I cannot be satisfied by having enough bread (retirement) and not have God.

You may have your vacation, obedient children, dream house, retirement, world’s accolades, but you will still be thirsty. Know then that you are thirsting for God. You are created for Him.