Would God really not accept in the end those who tried really hard to live a good life just because they didn’t put their faith in Christ? Often, these people are far better than many Christians as far as being moral, modest, and giving are concerned. But because they didn’t trust in the finished work of Christ on the cross, they would spend their eternity in hell? How does that seem fair?

The response is simple: Our trying to earn salvation through good works only shows our gross underestimation of the seriousness of our sins and the graciousness of God’s grace. If we have truly understood the magnitude of our sins, we would never even think about attempting to make up for it through good works. It would be like after running over my child and killing her in your drunken stupor, you trying to compensate for it by offering to cut my lawn every week!

But what shows the seriousness of our sins and the graciousness of God’s grace? Only one thing: The cross.  “But if I, brothers, still preach circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been removed.” Gal. 5:11

Why is the cross so offensive? Because it tells us that we are far more wicked and powerless than we think we are. The horrors of the mutilation of the Son of God on pieces of wood are what our sins deserved. That’s what it took for the Son of God to earn our salvation. And we are utterly helpless to do anything about it.  But most people don’t want to hear that – especially, we Americans! We take offense at that! We pride ourselves in our ability to solve problems, remove obstacles, and come out successful. “We can remake ourselves and present ourselves acceptable to God!” we think. And as long as we keep that self-made, bravado image up, we will be sure to end up in hell…

The cross represents a crossroads for all. Only those who fall at it and admit their guilt will receive the grace of God. Those who stand before it thinking they don’t need the cross, stand condemned.

The cross simultaneously shows we are far more wicked than we think we are, and God is far more gracious than we ever imagined. Only after you have fallen at the cross, get up and work for Him!